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Release PROBA-V collection 2

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Reprocessed PROBA-V data now available

Today marks the release of the highly anticipated new collection of PROBA-V data, namely Collection 2 (C2) after almost a year of processing. These valuable datasets have been reprocessed to improve the data quality and use.

Following processing features have been changed to improve overall product quality:

Changes in the PROBA-V NDVI S10 TOC 300 m time series layer

Friday, March 10, 2023

The PROBA-V S10 TOC 300 m NDVI (V3) layer was applying an additional mask on waterbodies instead of returning the actual proba-v ndvi.

Applying this mask was tried, but seems to have a major performance issue. As the usage of this layer is very low, we consider this feature to be very low priority and will not apply this mask in a new setup.

This means user querying time series over areas without water bodies will not be affected.

Update on VM Shelving Policy

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Due to the growing use of virtual machines, a VM that has not been accessed for six (6) months will be removed.


To give you ample time, you will receive two reminders after 4 and 5 months of inactivity, respectively.
If you have not accessed your VM after the 6 months period, it will be permanently removed.


More information on virtual machines can be found here.

PROBA-V MEP Evolution

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

As we are completing the fifth iteration of our PROBA-V MEP project, a set of major changes and some new features will become available to our users. This blog post will guide you through some of the major changes to the existing PROBA-V MEP applications.

User profile management transition

Thursday, August 13, 2020

We are changing our user profile management (registration and updating) to keep it future proof. Terrascope and PROBA-V MEP will make that transition, while the VITO EO Data Product Distribution Portal will not. The latter is a legacy system that will stay available for access to the SPOT-VEGETATION, PROBA-V, and APEX archives.

End of PROBA-V Operational lifetime

Monday, August 3, 2020

And here we are, after serving the global land surface community for 7 years with high-quality global land surface and vegetation observations, exceeding expectations with 100 m global syntheses, high-quality data, and multiple mission extensions, we’ve come to PROBA-V’s final day as an operational satellite mission. Today we ring the bell for PROBA-V to complete its final operational lap.

Processing cluster upgrade

Monday, January 7, 2019

Processing cluster upgrade

Over the next week, we plan to upgrade the Hadoop processing cluster. The upgrade procedure foresees that you can continue processing during this process. It is however still possible that a job is somehow affected, so you should be aware that you might see things that do not occur during 'normal' operations.

Latest changes in PROBA-V MEP

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Facts and Figures

  • 110 VM's are now hosted by our Openstack 'cloud' infrastructure
  • Our Hadoop processing cluster now has 1969 cores and 6.27 TB memory available
  • Thanks to tweaking to our scheduling, each user can still get hold of some resources in a fair amount of time.
  • The Hadoop processing cluster now runs 6 operational workflows next to user submitted jobs.

Sentinel Data

Next to the PROBA-V data set, we now also offer a selected set of Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 data, over Belgium.