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A Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share scripts that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative supporting text. It is basically a script broken down into several major blocks (cells) that can be executed sequentially. Together with the supporting text cells, the script should be rather easy to comprehend. The Terrascope Notebooks are based on the Open Source JupyterLab notebooks application and tailored to the needs of remote sensing users. Each notebook has direct access to the Terrascope datasets. A notebook facilitates a better and faster understanding of your algorithm by other users.

Notebooks are accessible after logging in into the Terrascope platform with your Terrascope username and password, which is the same account as used on the VITO Product Distribution Portal or the PROBA-V MEP. The Notebooks are located at the Terrascope Notebooks site.

Open notebooks


More information on Notebooks can be found here.