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Changes in the PROBA-V NDVI S10 TOC 300 m time series layer

Friday, March 10, 2023

The PROBA-V S10 TOC 300 m NDVI (V3) layer was applying an additional mask on waterbodies instead of returning the actual proba-v ndvi.

Applying this mask was tried, but seems to have a major performance issue. As the usage of this layer is very low, we consider this feature to be very low priority and will not apply this mask in a new setup.

This means user querying time series over areas without water bodies will not be affected.

For users that are querying areas with water bodies, and do not want to get the actual PROBA-V NDVI as-is, there are two migration options:

  • Use tsservice layer BIOPAR_NDVI300_V1_GLOBAL, which is based on proba-v ndvi, but already includes masking of water bodies. This option is considered trivial.
  • Switch to using openEO, where you can apply any masking as desired and also get some other benefits.

Many thanks for your understanding!


The PROBA-V team