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Ready to use tools:

Geo Viewer

With the Geo Viewer you can view the PROBA-V data in full resolution.

Time Series Viewer

This application allows you to explore and review SPOT-VEGETATION and PROBA-V time series and derived indicators for vegetation and environmental monitoring.

N-daily Compositor

With this application you can generate composites starting from PROBA-V daily composite images for a chosen number of days (N), a specific compositing method, selected bands, AOI of choice, etc.


The notebooks application allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text.

Virtual Machines with access to PROBA-V data: 

User Virtual Machine

With the User Virtual Machine (VM), a developer can get an environment with access to the PROBA-V data archive and a powerful set of tools to work with the data (e.g. SNAP toolbox, GRASS GIS, QGIS) or to develop and test applications (R, Python or Java).

Job Monitoring:

Job Control Dashboard

This application allows you to launch, control,  upload and monitor processing chains and jobs on the PV_MEP processing cluster.


PROBA-V MEP Marketplace

A valuable and innovative platform to access and offer a variety of high-quality EO services and it brings end users and service providers together. For end users, it is the place to discover EO services that meet their requirements. For service providers, it is an easy and reliable way to offer their technology to a global community.